

时间:2014年09月05日 来源:新浪博友“正能量粒子” 点击量: 分享:







In the Eye of the Hurricane: Super Storm Sandy PSEG Nuclear Preparations, Impacts and Lessons Learned



P1:Forecast vs. Actual

•Forecasts on October 29th at 6 pm called for:
–Additional rainfall of another ¼ - ¾”
–Winds through midnight will be sustained at 30-45 mph with gusts of 45-65 mph
–Overnight winds will be sustained at 15-30 mph with gusts of 30-50 mph
–Storm surge will be 3-6’ and will peak around midnight. Storm surge should recede by mid morning





P2:Forecast vs. Actual

•Actual weather from landfall at 8 pm through the early morning
–Rainfall was consistent with forecast
–Winds through the evening were 40-60 mph with gusts upon landfall of up to 90 mph
–Winds were sustained through the night precluding storm restoration to begin until 7 am
–Storm surge ranged from 11-13.6’, causing widespread flooding and devastation to the region





P3:PSEG Nuclear Unit Status

•Hope Creek - 100% Rated Thermal Power
•Salem Unit 1- 100% Rated Thermal Power
•Salem Unit 2 (two days prior to Sandy’s arrival):
–Defueled, Full Core offload, in Spent Fuel Pool
–Defueled Mid Loop
–Single Source of Off-site power
–Major Equipment OOS
•2B Emergency Diesel Generator, 2B Vital Bus OOS
•2B 125V DC batteries
•21 SW Nuclear Header

•Hope Creek核电站——100%额定(热)功率




•2B 125V直流蓄电池
•21 SW 核顶盖

P4:Salem and Hope Creek Flood Design

第4页:Salem和Hope Creek核电站防洪设计

(本人批注:上图右边标注了Salem和Hope Creek核电站的防洪设计情况,此两个电站在同一厂址区域,详细介绍见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/55e07e640101gszf 。场平标高100英尺,正常河水水位89英尺,历史最高水位97.5英尺,设计洪水位按照120英尺考虑,Salem核电站的安全厂用水系统标高127英尺、柴油机入口126英尺;Hope Creek核电站的安全厂用水系统标高132英尺、柴油机入口132英尺;上图左下角标注了1900年以来新泽西州飓风发生情况的统计,第一栏为等级、第二栏为风速、第三栏为发生次数,从该统计看到仅仅有一次一类飓风,世俗为74-95英里/小时)

P5:Salem and Hope Creek Shutdown Criteria
第五页:Salem和Hope Creek核电站关停标准

•IF AT ANY TIME the river level is >98.5 ft, THEN INITIATE actions to place the Unit in Mode 3 within 6 hours and in Mode 5 within the next 30 hours.
•IF hurricane force winds are imminent, THEN INITIATE preparations such that the Unit is in Hot Standby (Mode 3) at least two hours prior to the projected arrival of hurricane force winds.



P6:Salem and Hope Creek Emergency Action Levels (EALs)
第六页:Salem和Hope Creek核电站应急等级(EALs)

•Unusual Event (UE)
–Delaware River level reaches 99.5 feet at Salem units, 99.5 feet at Hope Creek
–Average Wind Speed >95 mph for any elevation
•Alert – Escalation with UE conditions
–Visible damage to Safety Related Structures

–在Salem机组和Hope Creek机组位置的达拉维河水位达到99.5英尺;



P7:Implementation of Severe Weather Guidelines – Phase 1 (T-3)

–Inspect station blackout equipment
–Verify remote shutdown panel communications
–Indication and switch alignment
–Hope Creek blockhouse sump pump staged




–Hope Creek潜水泵准备好

P8:Implementation of Severe Weather Guidelines – Phase 1 (T-3)

–Protect spare equipment required for recovery
–Inspect/remove/secure outside areas for potential missiles
–Staging of sump pumps and sandbags
–Availability of emergency supplies like flashlights, potable water, etc.





P9:Implementation of Severe Weather Guidelines - Phase 2 (T-2)

•Site walkdowns
•Verifying water tight doors
•Emergency diesel generator availability
•Return Major Plant Equipment for Shutdown Safety
•Ensuring water intakes prepared for severe weather
•Address potential staffing requirement






P10:Staffing requirements

Only essential personnel req’d to report
–Specific responders from two ERO teams
–Operations Support Center (OSCs)
–Technical Support Center (TSC)
–Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)






P11:Implementation of Severe Weather Guidelines - Phase 3 (T-0)


–Close watertight doors
–Relocate personnel
–Implement preplanned sandbagging
–Relocate vehicles to shelter
–Establish Fire Protection command post
–Complete various Service Water Bay penetration repairs







P12:Superstorm Sandy impacts

•Hope Creek - Remained at 100%, HC output greater than demand on PJM
•Salem Unit 1 manually taken offline at 1:09 am (5 day forced outage)
–Four of the six circulating water pumps no longer available
–Heavy debris, waves resulted in Travelling water screens stopping
•Non-vital Switching Station lost due to water intrusion
–Loss of power to several buildings onsite
–Lost onsite intranet, phones, met tower data to Salem control rooms

•Hope Creek核电站——维持100%负荷,输出功率大于PJM(本人批注:美国一区域电力市场)的需求







P13:Staffing Requirements

•Suspended Salem Unit 2 refueling outage activities on Sunday evening, October 28
–All equipment, except SW header, returned to Operations
–Reactor Cavity flooded up to Refueling level for defense in depth
–All contractors left site that weekend
–First time in operating history to suspended refueling outage






P14:Superstorm Sandy Lessons Learned

•Equipment Issues / Storm Preparations
–Substation enclosures are susceptible to water intrusion
–Lack of outage contingencies for loss of building capabilities
–Lack of adequate sleeping arrangements for essential personnel.
–Access road monitoring and shoring – extra fill / seawall






P15:Lessons Learned – Root Cause

•Abnormal Procedure Guidance
–Inadequate severe weather guidance in Abnormal procedure for wind speed, direction, grassing levels, tide, etc.
–Decision Making on unit power did not account for wave action effects
–Severe Weather Guide – No single designated information source for decision-making





P16:Lessons Learned – Corrective actions

•Previous Shutdown Criteria
–IF AT ANY TIME river level is >98.5 ft…
•Maximum Tide was 97.2 feet
–IF hurricane force winds are imminent...
•Maximum average wind speed was 59 miles per hour
•Wind direction shifted 180° in four hours directed at CWIS







P17:Lessons Learned – Corrective actions

•New Shutdown Criteria
–CW intake degradation index
•Uses grassing, tide, wind speed and direction
•Guidance to shutdown as a composite
–If hurricane is to pass within 50 miles of site - shutdown






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